How I Can Help

I offer teletherapy services for California residents. Queer and BIPPOC* folks, and those navigating the metaphorical borderlands of various racial, cultural identities and intersectionalities are graciously welcomed into my practice. I invite you to please click on the images below for more information about each of my specializations.

*Black and Indigenous People and People of Color, including Mixed Race

 photo (1)Somatic & EMDR Therapy for Anxiety & Trauma


Surviving the Loss of a Loved One

397120_10100639493586530_85487978_nCouples Counseling


Healing and Transforming Negative Self-Image

IMG_5627Spirituality and Meaning Making

Multiracial Grief + Joy

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Email or call for a 15-minute phone consultation at no charge
email:  phone:  650-762-9220